Alfa company applies companies’ governance policy, effective organizational structure hierarchy, internal control, and risk management to direct the company's work toward specified objectives as per its core principles and values. Also, it works on developing its human resources to achieve sustainable growth and provide an attractive, safe, and healthy environment.

Values IntegrityCredibilityProficiency
Society Relations Governance
Alfa is committed to carrying out its activities and business based on the principles and bases consistent with the company’s applicable values, considering the interests of the whole society. At the same time, it is recognizing and understanding all consequences of company’s activities and industrial business, whether on employees, shareholders, society, other stakeholders, or the environment in which it operates. In addition, Alfa complies with the laws and regulations issued by the official authorities in this regard. Further, the Company ensures that it adopts voluntary practices to improve the living standards of workers and their families and promote the well-being of local society, in a manner conducive to economic and social development.
The company is committed to applying the principle of sustainability as one of the enablers for achieving its long-term strategy, as it is adopted in the most specific detail of its various works. It also is committed to designing and building its business and projects as per the highest standards of efficiency to make its working environments an ideal place for giving and carrying out socially and commercially responsible, environmentally sustainable, equitable, and safe works.
Environmental Relations Governance
The company takes a range of environmental measures that are in line with its unremitting efforts to reduce energy consumption and rationalize its utilization of it and use recyclable materials and remanufacture it without compromising product quality, It also develops more environmentally and works environment-friendly methods in general.
Risk Management
The company maintains formally defined mechanisms for policies, procedures, and regulations to manage a specific set of related risks. It includes and emphasizes the control mechanism and obligations, policies, responsibilities, and powers of management control and operational procedures. It, in turn, define the roles and responsibilities of the relevant direct departments of the company.